Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Kranj Regional Office


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Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Kranj
Tomšičeva 7, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 4 280 7311

The Kranj Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1961, is responsible for the cultural heritage in Gorenjska region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, including Bled Lake Island with its medieval church, the Aljaž Tower on top of Triglav Mountain, and Katzenstein Castle in Kranj.


The activity and discoveries are presented in temporary exhibitions at the premises of the Kranj regional office and elsewhere, such as: an archaeological exhibition on Kranj pottery (2010), an exhibition in memoriam of Vladimir Knific (2009); Prpelte k'r vidte, an exhibition on stolen statues in the Gorenjska region (2008); an exhibition of the successes of the the Kranj regional office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (2007); and an exhibition on restoration works in Gorenjska region (2004).


Beside current writings (conservation programmes, guideline issues, reports) it publishes different monographic publications, such as in 2008 Lajt – stičišče evropskih kultur v 6. stoletju (a monography on the Lajt archeological site) and a monography on Kranj.


In addition to the Stele Award awarded to Olga Zupan (1998), who ran the office for 33 years, many employees of the office have won the Stele recognition, including the following conservators: Maja Avguštin (2010), Nika Leben (2009 and 1997), Bernarda Jesenko Filipič (2005), Damjana Pečnik (2002), Tone Marolt (2001), Vladimir Knific (1999), Renata Pamić (1998), and Milan Sagadin (1993).

See also

Other regional offices

External links

Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Kranj +
46.239 +
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Kranj +
14.355 +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Tomšičeva 7 +
The Kranj Regional OfficeThe Kranj Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1961, is responsible for the cultural heritage in Gorenjska region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, including Bled Lake Island with its medieval church, the Aljaž Tower on top of Triglav Mountain, and Katzenstein Castle in Kranj.Mountain, and Katzenstein Castle in Kranj. +
The Kranj Regional Office of the InstituteThe Kranj Regional Office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, founded in 1961, is responsible for the cultural heritage in Gorenjska region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, including Bled Lake Island with its medieval church, the Aljaž Tower on top of Triglav Mountain, and Katzenstein Castle in Kranj.Mountain, and Katzenstein Castle in Kranj. +
+386 / 4 280 7311 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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